Wednesday 25 February 2009

R and R

The Republic is having a wee break today, back soon with longer news and stuff.

In the meanwhile, just so your visit wasn't a waste, and because there is so much useful and fascinating information which should be given a wider audience, here is a link to pictures on the website belonging to Biff Vernon (see Followers) although at times it's hard to navigate it's worth it.

For those in need of a different holiday break, then Tithe Farm, pic above, with its yurt, may be just the R and R you are looking for.
The Vernon empire doesn't end there: another interesting family enterprise in Louth, Lincs:

Brilliant, and Not T*sc*!

Save food miles, shop locally... and keep Louth special:

Those suppliers include:
and, for mill enthusiasts:


PS Recipes from Roxy for Kitchen Garden mag, which is a must read in the Nem Republic:

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